, My Top 12 Tips for Exam Success
My Top 12 Tips for Exam Success

Exam season is here and the days of stress are in. It is a nightmare for both the parents and the students when a whole year’s planning sometimes go futile and the fears of performance and effective delivery start to haunt them. But believe us, examinations are fun, just fun!

Many students do not perform well in the exams not because they haven’t learnt well. What they miss is a better planning and some practical tips that would help them to excel in the exams. “Learning well” and “Preparing for Exams” are not synonymous.
Let us go through some of such practical tips which will equip you to perform in your exams better.
1. Spend a fixed time everyday to prepare for the exams
2. Stop thinking/ talking about the exams as if it is the end of the world
3. Collect model question papers and try answering them
4. Mark important questions in each question papers
5. Set a pace so that you can cover the questions satisfactorily
6. Be calm, quiet and composed
7. Answer easy questions first
8. Note that you need to write depending on the marks for each question.
9. Don’t learn new things on the exam day.
10. Reach early to the exam hall. Be pleasant. It will be better if you do not talk about exam to your friends.
11. Remember that the exam hall is a place to act, not to think
12. Read your answers once you are done writing. Fix a time for this and plan the entire process so that you can accommodate even the minutest elements.
Easily said than done? Not really. These are not the tips that you have to take with a glass of water. Global Scholar is a comprehensive programme that modulates your personality and thought process where such practical tips become a normal part of your student life.
Global Scholar is a tailor-made program for students to help attending exams and bettering their studies. However, it has a much wider objective of enabling them to reach for higher, global objectives by setting their mindset through our unique Mind Power techniques.
Get Ready, Start Planning, Keep Going!

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