, Walking, an easy exercise to be fit and stay healthy
Walking, an easy exercise to be fit and stay healthy

When we walk we put our whole body in action, which affects not only our physical health but also psychologically, because we generate endorphins that help us feel better.

Many people do not know, but the walk is one of the best forms of exercise. Because it is natural for the body does not produce fatigue as quickly as other types of activities, and is also one of the easiest ways to start taking a daily exercise routine.

Provided it is carried out at a rapid pace, the walk brings the benefits of a cardiovascular workout to increase the rhythm of the heart, strengthening muscles and burning calories.

Best of all is that you can gradually start every day so they do not generate discomfort and to make it easier to increase your intensity as your body adapts.

There are many factors that determine the rate at which you should walk for exercise. For example, we must consider the age, physical condition, height and weight.

It is known that a person of elderly or obese has more difficulty getting it to someone with a good physical condition, which can increase the intensity smoothly.

But leaving aside this detail, it is good to know that in general, the practice has amazing effects to keep fit and enjoy good health.

The walk helps keep weight under control

People who need to lose weight are required to lose at least 500 calories more than you consume daily.

Depending on the speed and the time dedicated to walking, this simple exercise can help you burn up to 150 calories, added to the fire by increasing the metabolism.

The movement performed helps to gain weight and muscle tone, which increases the body's ability to burn fat, and tone legs, buttocks and abdomen.
We recommend reading: "The incredible benefits of a daily 20-minute walk"

Protects the heart

Daily walking reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke through the action that has to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

While increasing heart rate promotes normal pumping of blood through the circulatory system oxygenating all body cells without difficulties.

As if that were not enough, walk daily for 30 minutes at a fast pace can help prevent and control high blood pressure, reducing the risk in the cardiovascular system significantly.

Fighting cellulite

You're fighting against cellulite? Some remedies to their conducting a walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes for best results.

Floor stimulates the elimination of toxins accumulated liquid and fats are the main causes of this disease.

Prevents chronic diseases

People at risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, asthma and certain types of cancer also benefit from this activity.

For improving the body's immune response, prevents walking infectious diseases and reduces the risk of virus health problems.

On the other hand, as a low-impact activity, and it strengthens bones and helps prevent loss of bone density preventing the onset of osteoporosis.

Increases a sense of well-being

A short walk can become the best natural energy and an excellent therapy to combat the negative emotions.

This activity stimulates blood circulation, the oxygen supply to every cell and increases the feeling of alertness and concentration.

It also improves mood almost instantly, because walking releases endorphins into the bloodstream to combat stress and anxiety.

In this sense, for more benefits, it is best to find a quiet, outdoor place to practice.

Ideal for inclusion in the routine!

After all these important benefits of walking, you will not think twice about including it as part of your daily routine.

It is a type of exercise that requires only 30-60 minutes a day, to significantly improve physical and emotional health and can also be made at any time of the day, alone or in company.

Do you dare to make it part of your lifestyle?

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