, Celery, an ideal food to cleanse the kidneys
Celery, an ideal food to cleanse the kidneys

Celery is a highly valued food today, not only for all the culinary advantages, but also for its therapeutic principles.

Celery is a highly valued food today, not only for all the culinary advantages, but also for its therapeutic principles.
This vegetable rich in "biological water" hides in its green interior whole content of minerals, vitamins, flavonoids and enzymes that can promote kidney health.
In addition, we must not forget that the  celery is considered one of the best plant diuretics that there is  something essential to eliminate manure substances that tend to accumulate in the kidneys and can sicken us.
Its benefits are many and we want to explain why you should enter the celery in your daily life to enjoy a better general health and especially kidney. Let's note?

Take care of the kidneys with celery: a great idea 

Celery is a good mineralizing to the kidneys

A lot of people search the classic vitamins pharmacies to cover the shortages that sometimes suffer and that translate into fatigue, malaise, fluid retention and a more weakened immune systems.
In fact, many of these needs could be suppressed by increasing our daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Celery can remineralize the body, detoxify it, and besides, purifying the blood,  three basic pillars to enjoy better health on the morning.
  • Celery belongs to the same family as parsley and fennel. It is these types of Umbelliferae which in flavor and properties, favor the good functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • It is made up of mostly water, but the level of vitamins and minerals that has in its composition makes for a very interesting medical food:
    • Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B 9.
    • Beta-carotene, such as provitamin A and vitamin E.
    • Vitamin C.
    • Calcium.
    • Zinc.
    • Potassium.
    • Magnesium.
One should also consider that our body requires a proper balance between sodium and potassium, always taking care not we exceed the consumption of salt (remember that salt contains 40% sodium).
In this case,  thanks to celery, we fight fluid retention,  it contains 3 parts of each of potassium to sodium.

The importance of fiber on kidney health

Another important fact is that celery is high in fiber, which is essential not only serves to prevent constipation or dyspepsia, but also managed to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and helping to control blood glucose.
A body with a high cholesterol level creates risks for  blood flow.  If blood flow is not adequate, we force our kidneys to work harder,  something that in the long run diminish the functionality of these organs.
Cholesterol is a very dangerous thing that we must not neglect.

Celery helps us fight urinary tract infections

Celery contains an essential oil formed by apiol, limonene, psoralens and apiína and flavonoids such as apigenin and luteolin. These compounds have the following virtues:
  • Fight infection of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.
  • Desinflama.
  • They are antioxidants and antimycotics, and anticancer.

Celery care blood pressure

To enjoy better kidney health, we need to control two factors:. Cholesterol and blood pressure As we said earlier, celery already helps us balance the cholesterol, but additionally will allow us to take care also of hypertension.

  • Celery has bioelements able to block the activity of the enzyme production of catecholamines (stress hormones) that raise blood pressure.
  • If we consume two stalks of celery a day, we will be able to reduce hypertension.

Celery vitamin to take care of the kidneys 

  • 1 celery branch
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon parsley (5g)
  • 1 teaspoon mint  (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)


  • The first to be done is quite clear apple and celery. In relation to an apple, if you wish, you can peel it, or make vitamin skin.  It is known that organic apple can benefit us with the nutrients your skin. Anyway, be sure to remove the center seeds.
  • Continue cutting revenue into small pieces, both apple and celery to facilitate the beat.
  • Now we poke a little parsley and mint. Thus we managed to get their essential oils to surface during the process in a blender and offer an intense flavor to our drink, in order to improve the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Add the apple, celery and fresh herbs along with the glass of water, to achieve a homogeneous vitamin green. The result is fantastic.
  • You will feel very consuming this vitamin for 3 days a week for breakfast. You may notice a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect that looks after the health of your kidneys.

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