, Sex in exchange for food: the accusations of sexual abuse of children against European troops in Central African Republic
Sex in exchange for food: the accusations of sexual abuse of children against European troops in Central African Republic

A 7 year old and a 9 year old are the latest victims of denouncing sexual abuse by European military peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic.
Thus, there are now six new cases of suspected child abuse being investigated by the United Nations (UN).
The girl performed oral sex reported that French soldiers in exchange for water and a packet of biscuits.
The soldiers were members of the "sangaris" mission deployed in December 2013 after coup of March of that year in the African nation.

In addition, both reported that other children also suffered the same abuses repeatedly by the military of that nationality.
France sent troops to its former colony in 2013 after the clash between Christian and Muslim rebel militias to protect the population, on a mission that ended last year.
The alleged abuses were committed in 2014, but cases have come to light in recent weeks.
Other abuses
Another four girls, then aged between 14 and 16, said they were abused by Georgian troops belonging to the operation of the European Union peacekeepers in Central African Republic (EUFOR-CAR).
The controversial allegations against French soldiers for sexual abuse of children in Africa
Two girls told that they were raped while two others said they received money in exchange for sex with the military.
The abuses were committed in the vicinity of a camp for displaced persons near the airport in the capital, Bangui.
Durate research also brought to light other cases involving UN peacekeepers, who are being treated separately with countries belonging to the troops.
"Continuing claims"
The high commissioner for Human Rights of the UN, Ra'ad Zeid Al Hussein, said Friday he was "very alarmed" by the "continuing allegations" of sexual exploitation and abuse of children in the Central African Republic by foreign military.
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He called the collaboration the authorities of Georgia and France and the European Union, which has already offered to help clarify what happened.
"These allegations are very serious and it is essential that such cases are thoroughly investigated urgently," said the high commissioner.

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