, 6 foods that fight fat in the liver
6 foods that fight fat in the liver

Fatty liver occurs when the body begins to have difficulty in performing their usual duties fault the accumulation of fatty acids.

Fatty liver is presented more frequently in patients with obesities, alcoholism or type 2 diabetes as soon as possible is detected and to improve the power, the faster it can be reversed the situation.

Although the doctor may prescribe some medications, will be more effective if we follow with a change in diet. Here reveal the foods that best combat this problem.

1. Tamarindo to fight fat in the liver

The tamarind is one of the best fruits to fight fatty liver. This tropical fruit is delicious and great nutritional contribution. It is rich in fiber, it helps improve digestion while eliminating excess fat.

The unsaturated acids of tamarind act as decongestants and protectors of the liver. For all these benefits you can prepare an infusion.

20 sheets of tamarind
1 liter of water
Put to boil water and add the leaves.
Let stand for 30 minutes and consume.
You can consume this cold or hot tea.

Another alternative is to take tamarind water, which is prepared as follows:

100g peeled tamarind and pitted
1 liter of water
Beat the tamarind in a blender with a cup of water.
Mix tamarind hit with the remaining water and drink.
You can add a little honey or brown sugar to give a more pleasant taste. Avoid using artificial sweeteners because they only worsen the problem of fatty liver.

Any infusion as water can be consumed at any time of the day, when moderately. Excessive intake of tamarind can cause an upset stomach.

2. Vegetables

The consumption of vegetables is an effective remedy against fatty liver due to its proteins. By owning low-calorie vegetables also regulate weight. Its fiber content also reduces cholesterol levels, another high risk factor for fatty liver.

When cooking vegetables should avoid the use of refined salt. You can use the coarse salt always avoiding the excesses. They can also be combined with some spices that improve its taste.

What else should you take into account when consuming vegetables is important to avoid excesses. Half a cup of any vegetables a day is enough, especially when the person is diabetic.

3. Strawberries

Purifying the body is a good strategy to reduce the effects of fatty liver. Through this procedure eliminated much of the toxins that accumulate and our bodies are clean.

Strawberries are excellent for purifying and detoxifying due to its high fiber content.

To be rich in vitamin C, the strawberry strengthens the immune system and its organic acids prevent fat storage. In the case of already existing fat, as in fatty liver, strawberry eliminate it, disinfects and desinflama.

For its taste you will have no problem consuming it. You can include it in your diet alone or with yogurt. You can also use it to prepare vitamins, breads, salads or cereals. Here we leave a recipe for vitamin delicious and very healthy with strawberries.

1 cup of clean strawberries (166 g)
1 cup plain low-fat yogurt (245 g)
1 tablespoon linseed (5 g)
Blend together all ingredients and consume immediately.

The main advantage of this recipe is that you can opt for other seeds to have a more varied diet. You can use amaranth, sunflower seeds, flax, etc.

4. Lemon

This is one of the foods with greater benefits to be found. To be rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon prevents many diseases. Also, if you already have fatty liver, you can also help cure it.

Let's talk about a drug that has been widespread in recent years: a glass of water with lemon juice. This drink is perfect to beat the fatty liver and improve digestion.

Even the lemon seems to us too acidic for our body it is alkaline. This means that regulates our pH levels, very important to have good health.

To remedy this you will only need a glass of warm water and the juice of a lemon. Stir well and take every morning fasting.

5. Whole grains

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates should be completely off the diet when you have fatty liver.

This does not mean you can not eat carbs. On the contrary, these are necessary for energy and carry out all activities.

The recommended is to choose whole grains, which are also rich in fiber and facilitate the reduction of fat.

By incorporating these products in your diet, you will avoid the spikes in sugar levels and increase LDL, the bad cholesterol.

6. Spinach

The green leafy vegetables should always be present in your diet, especially spinach. For its high fiber content, these sheets are ideal to accelerate intestinal transit. Folic acid regulates the functions of liver and kidneys.

Due to spinach are rich in chlorophyll, absorb and eliminate toxins and liver fat. In the case of one who is not a big spinach lover, consider including it in vitamins to enjoy all the benefits.

Fatty liver is a common problem in those who have a poor diet. Eliminate all risks consuming foods that help debug this organ. Remember that it is never too early to combat or eliminate fatty liver.

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