, Technical disguise stretch marks, cellulite, blemishes and hair loss
Technical disguise stretch marks, cellulite, blemishes and hair loss

Learn to hide everything that bothers you to enjoy the Carnival. Dermatologists explain the difference between the spots.

When we have a skin problem, especially in exposed areas like the face, hands, neck, everything we seek are ways to treat in an attempt to get rid of it.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible. Today there are several cutting-edge treatments for cellulite, stretch marks, vitiligo, hemangioma, melasma and baldness, but usually costly and can not correct 100%. Therefore, the Welfare showed ways to disguise some skin problems. We received our consultant Marcia Purceli and dermatologista Roberta Buense to help understand the subject.
Vitiligo - White
is an autoimmune disease, usually triggered by emotional change. 
Our system assaults the cells that produce color - melanocytes - and the region begins to despigmentar. The cell can both get sick, the dying. Treatment is with oral medication, topical and phototherapy. It also has the stem cell transplant, which can give rise to new melanocytes. The treatments, in general, are extended. 
The sooner treated, the greater the chance of good results.

Hemangioma - Red
Known as spots of Port, it is a bad problem vein formation and is usually congenital. Most affects the face and neck. It is also difficult to treat a disease, as well as melasma and vitiligo. Normally, it uses laser to dry the vases.
Melasma - Brown
is a hyperpigmentation of the skin that usually appears during pregnancy. The hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate the melanocytes to produce more color. This production is accelerated by the presence of visible light and infrared. The use of sunscreen and makeup with color is essential to prevent this problem, it is also influenced by genetic factor. The treatment can be done with bleaching creams, laser and microagulhamento.
Rosacea - Red
is a vascular disease of unknown cause. May be associated with Demodex follicular, this mite in our skin that reproduces excessively in people with rosacea. 
Rosacea worsens with temperature change, such as cold, heat, wind, and also with the intake of alcohol, coffee and pepper. The treatment is done with creams to control inflammation, laser, pulsed light and can also be used thermal water in day-to-day, very important to keep hydrated and more ice-cold skin.
Stretch marks
is a scar formed by the destruction of elastin and collagen. The new stretch marks are red or purple and white old. The treatment is done with laser or microagulhamento. 
How hide? 
Today there full coverage makeups that make life easier for those who have spots on the skin, which is a reason.
For white spots of vitiligo, red hemangioma or brown melasma, the basic high coverage of skin color already solved. 
Some bases are accompanied by a fastener powder, which prevents them from leaving with water or sweat, even as in the case of vitiligo, for example, the spots may be in the hands and the fact of using them all the time can make the makeup out more easily.
The key is to find the tone of your skin. Second is the implementation of the compact. Know how to use it correctly will avoid that crackle appearance.
Cover for baldness / alopecia
Keratin powder - be careful because the water comes out. Wig - be careful with the way holds the wig. Use the tab in the same place can cause injury and damage an area that was healthy.

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