Microsoft announced that their latest operating system is running over 200 million devices.This is the most upgraded OS ever.Windows 10 will be the last OS under Microsoft.The current CEO Satya is under right direction,The firm saw highest ever income in this year.The release of devices like surface pro 4,surface book,band 2,Hololens,Lumia 950xl all were succes.Surface devices changed the face of laptops and tablets by becoming a 2-1 device.
Microsoft outspaced windows 7 by 140 percent and windows 8 by 400 percent.76 percent of enterprise are running windows 10 now.There has been also increase in visits and downloads to windows store,over 82 billion pics were viewed in photos app.Over 2.5 billion questions were asked to Cortana.Over 45 billion minutes were spended on latest new edge browser.Windows 10 generates 4.5x times increase in revenue when compared to windows 8